Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Which is the real me?

I am sitting here in a not so good mood thinking about cleaning up my Facebook friend list. I thought to myself that maybe I should wait until I am in a better mood as to not do anything in haste when it got me thinking. If I wait then maybe while I am in a good mood I won't delete people that I would delete now. Maybe I would be better off deleting those people. Some how that question turned into which person am I? The depressed "me" or the happy, more socially expected "me?" Ok, so we can get into a discussion of why on earth Facebook should even be that important and I would explain about my single mother status and it being sometimes my only social life, but that isn't the point. Don't get hung up on that. I am more concerned with the fact that this mood has made me wonder who I am exactly. Am I the melancholy me or am I the positive hopeful me. Normally I would say the happy me but when I am doing well I can be, we'll, righteous? Maybe that is not the correct word but I hope for the best and believe in...stuff. I Think I can do big things, change the world. The down version is so much realistic. But, thinking while typing, the miserable version worries about everything. Will have to think about this one more.

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